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Warehouse 301

The warehouse 301 is located in No. 578 Yanling East Road. It has a ascendant geographical location and convenient transportation which is near from several highway。

The warehouse 301 stores and unloads all kinds of liquid chemicals, solid materials, toxic products, acid corrosive products, alkaline corrosive products and other corrosive products. It has good storage facilities, modern safety and monitoring equipment. There are three dedicated railway lines for chemical materials in 301, including two special lines for unloading liquid bulk chemical materials and one special line for unloading solid materials.

The operation of receiving, distributing and storing materials in the warehouse 301 is standardized and have good reputation. The warehouse 301 covers an area of 70,000m². There are 19 storage tanks, and the storage capacity of liquid chemical is nearly 9,000 cubic meters. The warehouse for solid and drum covers an area of 20,000 square meters, with a daily unloading capacity of 20 carts and an annual unloading capacity of 300,000 tons of solid and liquid. We also have transportation service of liquid bulk chemical and solid chemical products. The warehouse 301 is one of the main storage, transit and transportation centers of chemical materials in East China.

Warehouse 301
Warehouse 301
Warehouse 301